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Red Bank Veterinary Hospital - Hillsborough


The Cardiology department at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital Hillsborough specializes in diseases affecting a pet’s heart and lungs. Our veterinarian has experience in treating acquired and congenital heart disease as well as pericardial disease. In addition, we respond to your pet’s needs, ensuring overall comfort and well-being.

Dog sitting on table getting petted by vet

Why might your pet need a Cardiologist?

The Cardiology Department performs evaluations for various reasons, some of which can include:

  • Heart murmur

  • Irregular heart rhythm

  • Pre-anesthetic evaluation

  • Clinical signs such as heavier or faster breathing, collapse/fainting, exercise intolerance (getting winded/out of breath with normal activity), cough

  • Abnormal lab result from your vet such as elevated BNP or positive heartworm test

Services offered by our Cardiology Department include:

Diagnosis and management of:

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Congenital heart diseases

  • Acquired heart diseases

  • Cardiomyopathy

  • Evaluation for breed-specific heart diseases

  • Pulmonary hypertension

  • Arrhythmias

  • Heartworm disease

The following diagnostics and treatments can be performed:

  • Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart)

  • ECG (electrocardiogram)

  • Holter monitor (24 hour monitor to screen for arrhythmias)

  • Pericardiocentesis (removal of fluid around the heart)

  • Thoracocentesis (removal of fluid around the lungs)

  • Abdominocentesis (removal of fluid from the abdomen)

  • Thoracic Radiographs (Chest x-rays)

  • Blood Pressure

Understanding Pet Heart Disease

Pets with heart disease, or other ailments affecting the heart and lungs, may not always have visible signs of discomfort. Others may experience difficulty breathing, coughing, fainting, or lethargy depending on the stage of illness.

Terms You Should Know

Congenital refers to developmental changes in the heart that are typically present in patients since birth.

Pericardial refers to changes in the sac, or pericardium, that surrounds the heart. The most common type is the formation of fluid in the pericardium.